In Korea, masks could be purchased with a five-part mask system since
last month. After implementation, we don't have to line up anymore. Because anyone can buy a mask fairly.
Monday 1·6년/
Tuesday 2·7년/
Wednesday 7·8년/
Thursday 4·9년/
Friday 5·0년/
월요일은 1·6년/ 화요일 2·7년/ 수요일 3·8년/ 목요일 4·9년/ 금요일 5·0년
Even if they fail to purchase public masks on a fixed day, chances remain. Saturday and Sunday can be purchased regardless of the year of birth. However, it is better to purchase the five-part system on the relevant day of the week because the competition for the line-up could be relatively fierce.
It is not necessary to buy masks at one of three pharmacies, Hanaro Mart and Post Office.
Public masks that the government receives are about 80 percent of the total daily gross domestic product (about 10 million sheets), while the remaining 20 percent are supplied to the private sector. However, it can be difficult to purchase and more expensive because of the low volume.
Hi guys. Are you guys having a good day?
You know, pharmacies started to sell masks. When they first started to sell masks, I almost gave up to buy them because I knew there would be many ppl for masks. And the policy has changed, you can buy them when the last number on the your ID falls on the day that the govenment set along the day of week.
We can buy mask easily and We can no longer see people lining up to buy masks.
Anyway.. the Corona issue is getting decreasing than before though but it is still on going.
I'm hoping this Corona issue will disappear as soon as possible. Maybe it will be better soon because most of people care about hygiene and keep going on social distance.
Take care~^^
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