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[영어에도 이런 표현이ᆢ Say in English] 잘 샀어요/ 약간 치사한 방법이긴 합니다/ 비싼만큼 값을 하는군/ 산넘어 안이군/천편일률적

by 배움키움 2020. 4. 8.

🔘 Today's expression

It's a good buy.
잘 샀어요.

It's a little bit below the belt.
약간 치사한 방법이긴 합니다.

It's about time.
그럴 때도 됐어요.

It's all because of you
다 너 때문이야

It's as good as it costs.
비싼만큼 그 값을 하는군요

It's been one disaster after another
산넘어 산입니다

It's custom made.
특별히 맞췄어요

It's downright monotonous.

천편일률 ; 여러사람이 거의 비슷하여 특색이 없음.

downright 순전한
monotonous 단조로운, 변화없는

It's easy to miss what is in front of you.
등잔밑이 어두워요.

It's embarrassing to watch.
눈꼴 사나워요

It's hard to tell the difference only by their appearance
길고 짧은 것은 대보아야 알아요

It's just cold feet, isn't it?
그건 좀 비겁한 거 아닌가?

It's kind of a bittersweet thing
참 시원섭섭합니다

It's like drinking flat beer
김 빠진 맥주.마시는 기분이에요

It's never around when you need it
뭐도 약에 쓰려면 없다니까요

It's not as bad as it seems
보기만큼 그리 나쁘진 않아요

