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[매일 그냥말해 보는 Say in English] 이 계좌로 $500 송금하고 싶어요/현찰이 없다/나 돈 출금해야해

by 배움키움 2020. 4. 8.

1. I deposit $300 into my account every month
나 매달 $300 씩 내 계좌에 입금해

* deposit 입금하다, 보증금

* account 계좌

2. I'm running out of cash
현찰이 없다

I need to withdraw some money
나 돈 출금해야해

* run out of ~을 다 쓰다

* cash 현찰

* withdraw 출금하다

3. I'd like to transfer $500 to this account
이 계좌로 $500 송금하고 싶어요

* would like to 동사원형 ~하고 싶다

* remit / transfer 송금하다

* account transfer 계좌이체

* send 보내다

4. Normally, you need collateral to get a bank loan
보통 은행대출을 받으려면 담보가 필요해

* normally 보통

* collateral 담보

* loan 대출

5. I opened an installment savings account
나 적금 들었어

My account will mature in two months
적금두달이면 끝나

* installment savings account
분할 저축 계좌

* mature 성숙한, 발달하다

Good morning ~
The sun is much brighter and the air is a lot fresher today after the rainy day. I feel like to go hiking and want to smell the scent of woods in my whole body
Have a good day yo🤗

